(775) 884-2990 info@vitalsignscc.com
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“.. FELLERS Certified wrap providers have the experience, knowledge, and skill to get your wrap job right the first time..”



FELLERS Certified is the largest and most prominent certification body in the world for wraps. FELLERS Certified wrap providers have the experience, knowledge, and skill to get your wrap job right the first time.


FELLERS Certified wrap providers must go through extensive reference and business background checks to ensure that they are a qualified and honest company. Think of it as a Better Business Bureau for wrapping!


FELLERS Certified Wrap Providers use only the best, approved materials for wrapping, and purchase these materials through FELLERS, the largest and most renowned vinyl wrap supply company in the world.


Vital Signs is your ONLY Fellers Certified wrap specialist in the Carson City area.

Read more about Feller’s Wrap Installation standards HERE